Friday, May 13, 2011

The Most Difficult Piece to Write

I actually intend for Wednesday's to be devoted to the art of writing, but I was distracted by the Spring Storms. For now, this will have to do.

I  once read somewhere,  perhaps it was King's On Writing, that the shorter the piece that one is writing, the more difficult it is to successfully complete. The smaller work requires a more tightly written, non-fat approach.  The novella is more difficult than the novel.  The short story even harder and the poem still more so.

I don't know how often this maxim is true, but it does makes sense.  I've reasoned that there is on other type of writing that seems to be more difficult: the thank you note.  Stacey and I have a friend, Sandy, who is the queen of thank you cards. She has mastered this lost art of personally handwriting a brief note expressing her thanks for even the smallest gesture.  Once, she even sent us a thank you for a thank you!

My point is we should return to a more civil age and take the time to hand write (not an email, a post or a tweet) a personal thank you to someone.  I guarantee they will be surprised and you'll make them smile.

Oh, and in the professional world, it could even land you a job.  Stacey once sent a follow up thank you after she was not offered a job.  The person who was hired didn't work out and the hiring partner remembered her thank you note and called her back in.


Tia Bach said...

My Southern peach Mom instilled thank-you note etiquette into us at an early age. I still write them, and I have my daughters do the same. I do it on a professional level, too. But I must admit I receive very few.

I hope you'll accept my comments as a sincere thank you for your post. I didn't see your address listed. :-)

ladymoxie said...

My parents were the same way - they taught my brother and I to always write thank you cards. I still write them for birthdays and xmas. What is better than to receive a handwritten note? (which is becoming increasingly rare). Thank you for a great post!

Haley said...

I totally agree that handwritten thank-yous are the best. What's nicer than opening up the mailbox and actually receiving a personal letter? When I was part of hiring decisions at work, I always remembered and appreciated those who took the time to send a thank-you through the mail.

Liz said...

I'm an advocate of the thank you note, too. Currently trying to instill this in my 7 and 3 year old sons. Hoping it will stick!